Francis Chambers, Level 3 Suite 15/40 Corinna St, Phillip


Mindscape Woden Canberra Individualised Psychotherapy


Psychotherapy encompasses a range of different therapeutic modalities which aim to treat various presentations of mental health issues, emotional distress and a wide range of mental health disorders

However, the benefits of psychotherapy go beyond treating specific conditions and often people without any diagnosable condition find it helpful for managing life challenges and stress. These treatments overall help facilitate peoples mental and physical well-being through the exploration of feelings, thoughts and behaviours causing distress and work towards change.

Learn More About How Psychotherapy Can Help You

How Can Psychotherapy Help Me?

Psychotherapy provides a safe, non-judgemental space for people to work through their various areas of distress.

It can help you to tolerate and understand painful and difficult emotions, challenge unhelpful and maladaptive thinking patterns, understand how historical events influence present behaviours and help process/resolve traumatic life events.

Psychotherapy can be beneficial for a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, and addiction. It can also help with relationship problems, self-esteem issues, and life transitions such as divorce or retirement.

Learn More About Our Therapeutic Specialties

Find Better Mental Health Balance with Individual Psychotherapy